NEW FEATURE: File Uploader for HubSpot Forms

Post date: 2022-05-15 Category: Marketing

One of the most frequently requested features for the HubSpot form builder has been the ability to upload files via a HubSpot form. With the latest feature release for this application, now you can add this field to all of your HubSpot forms with ease.

Just edit your form as usual, and add theupload filefield to your form form the menu to the right of the form builder.

NEW FEATURE: File Uploader for HubSpot Forms

NEW FEATURE: File Uploader for HubSpot Forms

To edit any of your forms, just go toLanding Pagesunder theConverttab in your HubSpot navigation menu. Click on Form Manager, and click edit next to the form you want to edit. Or just click on theEdit Formbutton at the top of any module that has a form in it.

NEW FEATURE: File Uploader for HubSpot Forms