HubSpot TV - Sharing the Love on Slideshare with Guest Marta Kagan

Post date: 2022-05-04 Category: Marketing

Episode #51 - July 31st, 2009

Episode Length: 23 minutes, 23 seconds


  • How to interact on Twitter: @ mvolpe , @ karenrubin , and @ mzkagan with in your tweet.
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Doing it Right

  • Marta Kagan, @ mzkagan , Bonafied Marketing Genius
  • Managing Director of US for Espresso
  • What the Fk is Social Media?
    • 3 out of 4 Americans use social technology - Forrester
    • 13 hours of video is upload to YouTube every minute
    • 5 billion minutes spent on Facebook each day
    • 93% of social media users believe a company should have a presence in social media


Microsoft and Yahoo sitting in a tree...K.I.S.S.I.N.G!

  • Top 10 Things the Microsoft/Yahoo! Deal Changes for SEO
  • "the big takeaway is that Bing will now power search on Yahoo! and Yahoo!'s salesforce will sell the premium (non-self service) search advertising for Yahoo!/Bing"
  • You will want to optimize for Bing since it will have a reasonable % of market share
    • Bing values "keyword use in subdomains and root domain names (Google loves exact keyword matches, but Bing really likes any keyword placement in the sub or root)"
    • "Bing also surfaces only the top 5 results for many queries, meaning a higher concentration of clicks on those top results."
    • "Remember that Yahoo! said full implementation may lag up to 24 months (2 years) behind regulatory approval (which itself could take months), so you've got some time."
      Marketing Takeaway Don't panic! You have some time on this one but be aware that it is going on and you will probably want to optimize for it eventually.

Social Media Defamation Lawsuit

  • UPDATED: Rounding up the buzz... Will one Chicago woman's Tweet cost her $50,000?
  • Amanda Bonnen: "@JessB123 You should just come anyway.  Who said sleeping in a moldy apartment is bad for you?  Horizon Realty thinks its ok."
  • Horizon Realty says she "maliciously and wrongfully published the false and defamatory Tweet on Twitter, thereby allowing the Tweet to be distributed throughout the world."  (She has 20 followers.)
  • Marketing Takeaway : Don't tweet anything you wouldn't mind having on the front page of
  • Marketing Takeaway #2 : As a business, monitor and respond on Twitter, but think twice before blowing anything up.

Twitter Puts Search at Core of Homepage

  • New Twitter homepage puts search at its heart
  • Defining a "tweet" for the uninitiated and explaining how to create an account doesn't resonate with everyone. "Why would I want to do that?" is a common reaction. However, demonstrating the power of Twitter as a discovery engine for what is happening right now through our Search and Trends often awakens a sense of wonder which inevitably leads to a much more compelling question, "How do I get involved?"
  • Marketing Takeaway : Make sure you understand the engagement process for your customers.

B to B marketers embracing social media at an increasing rate

  • Social media use soars among b-to-b marketers
  • 57% of B2B marketers "using social media channels" compared with 15% two years ago
  • Webinars are almost exclusively for B2B - 48% of B2B marketers said they were effective, only 6% of B2C said they were effective
  • 81% of BtoB marketers using LinkedIn, then Twitter, then Facebook (Twitter much higher for B2B, Facebook lower for B2B)
  • Most looking to implement in the next year (1) blogging (2) mobile (more for BtoC)
  • More focus on demand generation - from 39% to 47% of people - also a drop-off of people saying brand building was the goal
  • Survey by B to B Magazine and the Association of Natinoal Advertisers
  • Marketing Takeaway : If you've been watching HubSpot TV for the past year, you'd be ahead of the curve!

Forum Fodder:

  • Blogging in a Flooded Market Shouldn't Mean Failure
  • Jamon Holmgren asks, "What can I add to the conversation that a better programmer or graphic designer or SEO professional hasn't already covered?"
  • "The more you can build relationships and trust with the online leaders in your community, the more traffic you'll get on your site, and the more people you'll be able to convert to leads and sales," "
  • "Providing accurate, useful information that informs in a non-self-promoting manner gains credibility,"
  • "Be yourself and blog about the things that excite and interest you (without sounding like a commercial, of course) and you'll be fine,"

Marketing Tip of the Week - Publish something creative on Slideshare.


Webinar: How to Use Online Video for Inbound Marketing

HubSpot TV - Sharing the Love on Slideshare with Guest Marta Kagan

How do you get started with YouTube, video podcasting, live streaming, or viral videos.

Download the free webinar to learn how to use online video to grow your business with inbound marketing.