HubSpot TV Rewind with @MarketingProfs on Content Rules

Post date: 2022-05-09 Category: Marketing

In last week's episode of HubSpot TV guest Ann Handley, Cheif Content Officer of, stopped by to share some marketing tips from her new book Content Rules Book  and to chat it up with Mike Volpe about the week's stories.

Mike and Ann also discussed a story, published by Paul Verna from , which found that companies with a blog experience better over all internet presence.  Research done by HubSpot has also come to the same conclusion, sites with blogs receive 55% more traffic than sites without and 97% more inbound links to the company's site.

Mike and Ann also covered the launch of Google's " Instant Search " which automatically searches as you type.  The two concluded that instant search will lead to lengthier search queries, which is important to consider when designing site pages.

Be Sure to tune in to HubSpot TV  today at 4pm with special guest Chris Brogan, President of New Marketing Labs.