How Inbound Marketing Works, From Start to Finish [INFOGRAPHIC]

Post date: 2023-02-05 Category: Marketing

Inbound marketing is no cakewalk. Marketers who are embracing inbound have a variety of different channels and tactics to master, including content creation, SEO, social media, lead generation, lead management, and analytics. It's no wonder that marketers new to inbound end up feeling overwhelmed and wondering what to tackle first.

Luckily, our friends over at inbound marketing agency IMPACT Branding & Design recently pulled together an infographic that helps inbound marketers understand the entire inbound process from start to finish -- from getting found online, to converting visitors into leads and customers, and then measuring the entire funnel. Well done, IMPACT, you captured the inbound process beautifully!

How Inbound Marketing Works, From Start to Finish [INFOGRAPHIC]

How well is your business following the inbound marketing process?