Chart of the Week: Marketing Budgets Shifting to Digital Tactics

Post date: 2022-05-06 Category: Marketing
Chart of the Week: Marketing Budgets Shifting to Digital Tactics

Marketers are shifting their budgets away from traditional marketing channels and toward digital marketing channels . Econsultancy, in association with ExactTarget, surveyed more than 265 B2B marketers -- in companies of all sizes -- asking if they plan to spend more or less of their marketing budgets in 2010 on 14 different marketing tactics. While 46% of companies plan to increase their overall marketing budgets in 2010, 66% will increase their investments in digital marketing.

Digital channels make up the top 5 tactics in which marketers are investing:

1.       Off-site Social Media - 65%

2.       Search Engine Optimization - 64%

3.       On-site Social Media - 58%

4.       Email (acquisition) - 56%

5.       Email (retention) - 53%

All of these tactics work together to help you get found and draw prospects to you.

Leaving Traditional Marketing Behind:

We also see a trend in moving away from the traditional "push" marketing channels. The top 5 places marketers are looking to cut budgets:

1.       Radio - 50% decrease

2.       Television - 44% decrease

3.       Newspapers / magazines - 44% decrease

4.       Direct Mail - 30% decrease

5.       Telemarketing - 22% decrease

Marketers are getting smart and going where their buyers are -- online.  So where are you going to spend your precious marketing dollars? Pulling buyers to you by using inbound marketing or pushing your message out through traditional channels?

Inbound Lead Generation Kit

Chart of the Week: Marketing Budgets Shifting to Digital Tactics Learn how to generate more inbound leads using SEO, blogging, and social media.

Download the free kit for tips and tricks to drive more leads and business to your site.