Brand & Product Pages Make Up 39% of Facebook Pages

Post date: 2022-05-05 Category: Marketing

Think Facebook is just a tool for your kids in college to organize parties?

Think again.

HubSpot's new State of Facebook for Business report , released today, shows that brand- and product-focused pages represent 39% of all pages. The brand/product category is the largest single category of Facebook pages. Pages for local organizations and public figures each represent about 30% of the total Facebook pages.

Brand & Product Pages Make Up 39% of Facebook Pages

The State of the Facebook for Business report was compiled from data collected by Facebook Grader , a free tool from HubSpot that helps businesses assess the marketing effectiveness of their Facebook pages.

Other key findings of the report include:

  • About half of all Facebook pages have less than 500 fans.
  • Only 0.3% of Facebook pages have more than one million fans.
  • In aggregate, musicians and local businesses have the most fans.
  • Although they have fewer overall pages, Italy and the U.K. have more fans on a per-page basis than U.S. pages.

The report data encompasses 120,000 Facebook pages and thousands of companies.

Free Report Webinar - Watch the Archive

Brand & Product Pages Make Up 39% of Facebook Pages To review the findings of the Facebook for Business Report , watch the archived webinar now . Presented by HubSpot's Rick Burnes and Jeanne Hopkins, the webinar will offer deeper insights into report's findings and cover several case studies of businesses using Facebook successfully.

Live Webinar: How Businesses Are Using Facebook - With New Data & Case Studies (30 minutes)