12 Important Places You're Forgetting to Add Calls-to-Action
Do your landing page offers generate a high conversion rate but few actual leads? Chances are, it's not a content quality problem you have on your hands ... it's a content promotion problem. Likely, what's happening is that you're not getting your offer out there in front of enough people you want to capture as leads. And if you're not generating any traffic to your offer in the first place, this will greatly impede its ability to generate leads, since there won't be any visitors to convert in the first place!
Calls-to-action (CTAs) are the gateways into your offers. If you're running into a traffic generation problem for your landing pages, you may need to add more calls-to-action for your content to various parts of your web presence. Here are 12 places you're likely forgetting to include CTAs for your offers.
12 Important Places to Add Calls-to-Action
1. On Your Blog:Make sure you include CTAs both in the sidebar of your blog as well as on every individual article you publish. And in addition to image/button CTAs like the one below, you can also include text CTAs within the body of your blog content.
2. In Your Email Marketing & Lead Nurturing Messages:Make sure your email marketing messages and lead nurturing emails include a clear call-to-action for subscribers to obtain more information and content.
3. On Facebook Page:Facebook offers several opportunities to get your CTA out there: via a custom business page tab, through Facebook Ads and Sponsored Stories, and through wall posts on your page. As a bonus for HubSpot customers, the HubSpot Welcome Application for Facebook enables you to generate leads directly within Facebook!
4. In Your Tweets and on Your Twitter Background:Consider customizing your Twitter background and including a simple CTA. While Twitter backgrounds aren't clickable, you can include a short URL in your background design. Furthermore, you can use your Twitter bio and link as CTA real estate. Most importantly though, leverage your tweets as individual CTAs for your offers.
5. On Your LinkedIn Company Page and in LinkedIn Answers:When answering questions related to your industry via LinkedIn Answers, includes text CTAs for downloadable content like webinars and ebooks when applicable. Why not add CTAs for your offers to the products tab on your LinkedIn Company Page, too?

7. On Your Free Tools:Have you launched any free online tools as part of your marketing strategy? Slap a CTA or two on those as well.
8. Within Your Ebooks and Webinars:Just because someone already converted into a lead by downloading your ebook or registering for your webinar, doesn't mean you can't continue to nurture them with other related content and leveraging more middle-of-the-funnel offers like a free trial or a consultation. Add CTAs for these types of offers within the body and at the end of your ebooks and webinars, too.
9. In Your Presentations:Do you speak at industry conferences and events? Depending on the event's particular guidelines, you may be able to include a CTA for an offer directly within your presentation. If not, modify the presentation to include one after the event, and upload your presentation slides to a website like SlideShare to get more muscle out of your presentation.
10. In Your Email Signature:Every little effort helps. Include a CTA in your personal email signature and encourage other employees, especially members of your sales and marketing teams, to do the same.
11. In Your Videos:Include a call-to-action within all videos you produce. For video, it's important to make your CTA simple and include a shortened, easy-to-remember URL. Then, if someone embedded your video on their website or blog and others viewed it outside the context of YouTube, your CTA would remain intact. In addition, include a CTA in your video's description when you upload it to your YouTube channel or other video sharing site.
12. In Your Online Display Ads:Online display ads pack more punch if you're not directly promoting your business, but rather your content instead. Make your display ads focus on calls-to-action for your content, and enjoy a much higher click-through rate!
Where else have you had success adding calls-to-action to improve lead generation?
Image Credit: Sean MacEntee